Introducing to you one of the greatest highlights of 2018, ReachLocal’s very own ReachSocial Ads (RSA) with Smart Optimisation Technology. A social advertising solution for both Facebook and Instagram with AI technology, something not even Facebook offers yet.
This technology is specifically designed to run multiple Facebook advertising objectives in a single campaign and optimise that campaign around one specific goal.
Both Facebook and RSA have set goals you can choose from. Whether you are choosing to optimise for contact generation, increased reach or creating engagement – you can decide on any one objective to optimise. The difference is, Facebook ads work in a silo and you need to manually adjust your advertising budget between each objective.
This is where ReachSocial Ads sets apart. The smart optimisation will shift your budget depending on the highest performing objectives.
For example, each objective starts with a set budget, as the campaign runs, the smart optimisation technology will shift the clients spend depending on which of these objectives are top performing. This helps remove guesswork and bring in the best results while spending wisely.
Let’s break it down. Each objective starts with a designated budget. Objectives and a budget percentage will depend on a selected optimisation goal. Once the spend begins, the AI will daily evaluate each objective’s performance based on their KPI, then every third day the technology will switch the budget distribution to the top performing objectives.
This will allow you to focus on your business and not worry about changing the budget manually for any ad campaign – ReachSocial Ads with Smart Optimisation Technology will keep an eye over an entire campaign.