Facebook Advertising is a crucial marketing tactic when looking to reach a specific audience. It can be the most effective way to advertise your brand, service or products if it’s done right. However, having a budget and knowing which demographics of the audience to get in front of is not enough. Facebook’s algorithm favours pushing organic, relevant and engaging content in the news feed. Don’t get disheartened by this, Facebook Ads do work and still offer stellar ROI, the highest of all social media platforms. Your efforts should go into creating a Facebook Ad that stops the audience from scrolling their feed in order to engage with it. So, let’s explore three important components that will help you produce a winning Facebook Ad creative. Facebook Ad Visuals Whether it’s
5 Steps to Improve Your Customer Reach Online
Online marketing has grown exponentially in a short space of time. A study conducted in January this year found that 4.39 billion people are now using the internet, an increase of 9% as compared to January 2018. So, what does this mean? The importance of social media for growing a business Currently, there are over a billion active daily users on social media. Social media has become the most popular content marketing tactic for B2C businesses. In the second quarter of 2019, an estimated 2.41 billion people
Building an Enduring Marketing Strategy
A solid marketing strategy is imperative for any business wanting to make an impact in the marketplace. With a strategic approach, your business can both win new customers and keep existing ones coming back. With such a variety of marketing tactics available, it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed with where to start. Here are four pillars for building a solid foundation for your marketing strategy, which you can build upon with additional tactics in time. Online Presence Having a strong online presence is crucial for all businesses. Consumers are most likely to go
Introducing ReachSocial Ads with Smart Optimisation Technology
Introducing to you one of the greatest highlights of 2018, ReachLocal’s very own ReachSocial Ads (RSA) with Smart Optimisation Technology. A social advertising solution for both Facebook and Instagram with AI technology, something not even Facebook offers yet. This technology is specifically designed to run multiple Facebook advertising objectives in a single campaign and optimise that campaign around one specific goal. Both Facebook and RSA have set goals you can choose from. Whether you are choosing to optimise for contact generation, increased reach or creating
Benefits of Social Media for Your Business
Considering there are over a billion active users daily on social media, it is not news that every business should be present on these channels. But there are number of elements that can work towards the success or failure of your business on social media. By the end of this blog, you should have a better understanding of how to set yourself up on these channels, know exactly how social media can benefit your business. As of January 2018, there are over 3.196 billion active users on social media, and that number is growing day by day. Social media has a huge impact on society and the way we consume information. Social
Digital Marketing Tips For The Holiday Season
Every year, as soon as Melbourne Cup is behind us, it seems like Christmas is here. Holiday marketing campaigns pop up almost immediately with signs appearing in shops, festive banners appearing on websites and promotional emails hitting inboxes – all complete with a dash of Christmas cheer. What does this mean for your business? Well, in the midst of preparing for a hectic holiday season, it’s tempting to play it safe with your digital marketing and stick with what you
Measuring the Success of Facebook Advertising
Facebook advertising success can look different depending on the type of campaign you’re running and the marketing goals you’re trying to achieve. A successful Facebook campaign should align with the goals that you set. Not sure how to measure success? Here are three ways you can track how your Facebook advertising campaign is performing. 1. Measuring Ad Views and Engagements A simple way to track the success of your Facebook advertising is to look at the impressions (views), reach (people),
Writing Ad Copy That Converts on Facebook
What makes you click on content online? Is it a catchy headline, a great image or are you a sucker for clever link bait? Facebook users read and click on what interests them and this usually consists of photos from friends, funny videos, amusing statuses, and content related to their hobbies. If you’re a business, this is your main competition when trying to reach potential customers on Facebook through advertising. The trick to getting your ads to stand out is
Everything You Need to Know About Lookalike Audiences for Your Advertising
Are your ads generating a lot of impressions, but not from the right people? How can you make sure the impressions you are getting are from people who are interested in your business? We have the answer! Have you ever heard of lookalike audiences? They are an effective way to ensure your ads are reaching the right types of prospects. But first… you need to understand how site retargeting works Site retargeting is an effective advertising method that allows businesses