How Does Geofencing Work to Target Your Ideal Audience?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could target people who enter a specific location like your business or an event you’re hosting? Imagine if your ad could show up on their favourite mobile app at that exact moment. We have the perfect mobile display advertising tactic to do just that – it’s called GeoFence! If you’re wondering how Geofencing works, it is a location-based mobile technology that lets you define a specific, geographic area for displaying your ads on mobile


Everything You Need to Know About Lookalike Audiences for Your Advertising

Are your ads generating a lot of impressions, but not from the right people? How can you make sure the impressions you are getting are from people who are interested in your business? We have the answer! Have you ever heard of lookalike audiences? They are an effective way to ensure your ads are reaching the right types of prospects. But first… you need to understand how site retargeting works Site retargeting is an effective advertising method that allows businesses


The Importance of High Quality Creatives for Effective Digital Marketing

Designing quality creatives for a digital display advertising campaign

A great strategy without great creatives is like an unbaked cake. While all the ingredients are present – it won’t rise and be delicious until you’ve applied some heat. You may have an unbeatable offer and a great landing page but you need high quality creatives to inspire your customers to drive click-throughs. In this article we will explore what we know about ad creatives and how we can achieve success with excellent creatives. What we know about Ad Creatives:


Pair Your Online Marketing with Your Offline Advertising for Better Results

It’s no secret that companies are spending more time and effort on digital marketing as more consumers look for them online. If you are looking for ways to integrate and connect your online and offline marketing efforts here are a few ideas to consider: Television Ads and Billboards While television advertising was an unrivalled way to reach consumers for decades, the growth of online content requires a change in tactics. To reach today’s audience, you need to integrate and shift


Digital Never Sleeps

In my recent travels through London I saw this sign in one of the many H&M stores I visited. My very first thought was Yes! Anything I don’t buy today I can buy online. But being a digital marketer, the message struck a chord with me. Here are the 3 things it made me think: 1. It’s not just fashion that never sleeps Shoppers are now online at all hours of the day, purchasing everything from books to computers to


How to Identify Your Ideal Customer in 6 Easy Steps

identify your ideal business customer

Many businesses fall into the trap of marketing to everyone because they think their products and service are needed by them. Reaching an audience of this size can be very expensive and time consuming. No business – especially a young start up – can be all things to all people. The more you narrowly define your market, the more effective you’ll be at reaching them and getting your message across. Here are the 6 questions to ask yourself so you


How To Get More Out Of Seasonal Promotions & Offers: Easy to follow checklist to ensure you’re in season.

wondering how to promote seasonal offers and promotions to your audience

When you’ve invested in the time and effort to come up with an attention-grabbing promotion or special offer, then you want to make sure that your target audience sees it. Regardless of the type of promotion or offer, it is important that you set a multi-touch campaign strategy to promote your offer across all points of the buyer cycle. 1. Social Media Create buzz across your social media networks to generate some interest in your promotion or offer. A starting