Becoming a Digital Marketing Reseller Could Save Your Business

Young business owner saves business through reselling digital marketing solutions

Have you thought about how your business will operate in the future? The business landscape has undergone extraordinary change, but opportunity can emerge even in the worst financial downturns. Think about business after the pandemic; What steps can you take to gain a larger market share? How could you provide more services to your current customers and increase their value to your business?  

If these questions make you worry that growing your business will require more time and resources than you have available, starting a digital marketing reseller partnership may be a good way forward. Keep reading to learn what it means to be in a reseller partnership, why you should start one, and how LocaliQ’s Reseller Program could be a good fit for you. 

What is a Digital Marketing Reseller Partnership?

The term ‘reseller’ is quite broad and can describe several different types of business relationships. Digital marketing resellers fall under the category of a ‘value add reseller’ whereby you proactively sell a product or service provided by another company for commission. This generates profit and business growth for both the vendor and reseller. A contract will lay out the expectations, terms and method of remuneration of the relationship. Reseller partnerships involve consistent communication, shared marketing materials, training and more. 

5 Great Reasons to Start a Digital Marketing Reseller Partnership

1. Have more time to focus on other parts of your business. 
If you resell digital marketing services, you can devote more resources to what your business does best. A reseller partnership protects you and your employees from being spread too thin and shields your business from a situation where stress causes work and morale to suffer.

2. Keep costs down, whilst continuing to grow. 
Hiring and training staff can be prohibitively expensive. By reselling you can rely on your agency partner to perform campaign build and maintenance, while you act as a middleman between the experts and your clients. You’ll keep your running costs low, whilst bringing valuable commissions into your business.

3. Offer a full-service solution to your clients. 
Unless you’re a huge agency with developers, analysts, and digital experts you probably can’t handle every client request that comes your way. Partnering with a larger, established digital marketing provider allow you to become the fabled “one stop shop” clients are looking for. 

4. Leverage brand recognition, expertise and resources. 
Partner with a reputable agency that can fill knowledge and skill gaps in your business, and help you compete with larger companies in your industry. Build important, long-term relationships that produce opportunities for both parties to grow through referral and networking activity. 

5. Access cutting-edge technology. 
As a digital marketing reseller, you’ll receive access to the powerful automation, optimisation and reporting technologies of your agency partner, and can include this in your product portfolio. Bring new value to your existing clients, and attract future clients with the best-in-class tools now in your arsenal.

 Stressed? A reseller partnership could be the solution for you!

LocaliQ’s Reseller Program

LocaliQ’s Reseller Program allows to you co-brand or white label our services and sell them to your clients. By outsourcing to LocaliQ. you’re able to focus on the main core of your business, whether that’s one particular digital marketing strategy like Email Marketing, or a related practice like graphic design or out of home advertising. We want you to be able to offer everything that your clients’ desire, without the cost of having to hire and train more staff.

LocaliQ have data from running thousands of campaigns, and we bring that knowledge to every campaign that we run on your behalf. Plus, we offer full tracking and reporting capabilities to you and your clients. Our Client Centre monitors important campaign metrics, including all activity and leads generated, allowing you to quickly view and share important data and reports with your clients, 24/7.

You can expect to generate more business as a LocaliQ Reseller, and can count on our results, transparency and ongoing support throughout your partnership with us. Give us a call on 1800 655 312 to discuss if becoming a digital marketing reseller is a good fit for your business! 

Emma Reid

Emma is a talented Graphic Designer and Marketer who designs all internal and external communications for ReachLocal Australia and New Zealand. She also updates and manages our websites, in addition to assisting with other marketing activities. Emma is a passionate volunteer with Orange Sky Laundry. When she's not pulling her hair out over HTML (just kidding!) she's wearing odd socks, bleeding coffee, playing dodgeball and doodling letters.

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