5 Ideas to Grow Your LocaliQ Affiliate Revenue

Affiliate partner considers new clients to prospect

So, you’ve become a LocaliQ Affiliate partner, you’ve started to make money off commissions, but you might now be wondering: How can I increase my earnings? After all, one of the big benefits of Affiliate partnerships is that you can constantly reassess the situation and increase the amount of money coming in. With the proper strategy, you can rapidly build up your paycheck. Read our list of five ideas to grow your ReachLocal Affiliate clients and make more money!  

1. Promote the Partnership!

92% of consumers trust referrals from people they know, so letting your client base know that you endorse ReachLocal and our digital marketing solutions is an easy way to grow your Affiliate revenue. Consider promoting the partnership on your website, social media profiles, and as a feature in your next company newsletter. Your ReachLocal Partnership includes integrated marketing support, so get in touch to discuss the creation of branded and bespoke marketing collateral, such as pull-up banners, flyers, or email marketing campaigns. 

2. Educate Your Audience

Educating customers builds trust, reduces complaints and enhances loyalty. At ReachLocal, we put a lot of emphasis on informing businesses on the benefits of digital marketing, and you can make use of these resources too! Our blog articles, infographics, and animated videos are perfect for sharing via email, Google My Business Posts and over social media. Understanding the features and benefits of our digital solutions will give your clients a realistic expectation of what they can achieve for their business and leave them more open to a referral from you. 

3. Upsell to Existing Referrals

When done well, upselling can benefit your relationship with your clients, bring you more revenue, improve retention, and lower churn. Contact your ReachLocal representative and check in on how your current referral clients’ campaigns are running. This may highlight opportunities to increase their campaign spend, or suggest additional campaigns based on what is working well for them.  

4. Continue What’s Working

Think back over how you’ve built your Affiliate revenue up thus far, and look for commonalities or patterns in successful referrals. This will help you identify key personas or industry verticals to focus on while building up clients. Your ReachLocal representative can assist you in prospecting within specific markets, using case studies and historical campaign data. 

5. Try Something New!

Our product team is constantly working towards offering new and innovative digital marketing solutions to the ANZ market. In the past 12 months alone we have launched new solutions for Shopping Ads, Live Chat and Google My Business Listings Management. Make sure you’re up to date with what we offer and refer new – or cross-sell current clients – who would be a good fit for these new solutions! 

The Benefits of Building Your Affiliate Revenue

As a LocaliQ Affiliate, you earn a commission for every customer you refer. This works on a tiered structure, starting at 5%. The more clients you bring in, the more commissions you’ll earn, with your rate increasing periodically through to a maximum 15%!  

The other major benefit of your Affiliate partnership is the relationship you’ll develop with your LocaliQ Digital Marketing Consultant. They’re invested in helping both your Affiliate revenue, and your business grow. Our representatives have become valued consultants to our Affiliate partners and have contributed to presentations and pitches, been involved in podcasts, and reciprocally referred clients and contacts. 


By implementing some of these ideas into your referral strategy, you will continue to see your LocaliQ Affiliate clients, commission revenue, and your business, grow! 

Emma Reid

Emma is a talented Graphic Designer and Marketer who designs all internal and external communications for ReachLocal Australia and New Zealand. She also updates and manages our websites, in addition to assisting with other marketing activities. Emma is a passionate volunteer with Orange Sky Laundry. When she's not pulling her hair out over HTML (just kidding!) she's wearing odd socks, bleeding coffee, playing dodgeball and doodling letters.

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