Advertising During Covid-19: Search, Display and Social Media

consumers using different devices to access the internet during covid-19

Advertising across Search Engines, Display and Social Media is easy, and these platforms can drive traffic, increase sales, and create loyal customers for even the smallest budgets. Let’s look at how these three advertising solutions could benefit your business through this uncertain time.

Search Marketing 

Search is great because you only pay when interested customers click on your ads! Consider expanding your reach across multiple search engines to include Bing, which now has a 16% share of the desktop search market in Australia. Many advertisers see even cheaper clicks on Microsoft Advertising than on Google. It may be fair to say you need to reduce your marketing spend right now, but if you can, keep campaigns running at a lower budget to capitalise on decreased marketplace competition and CPC, instead of pausing. This ensures your position in market for when the economy returns to strength. 

Search Marketing during Covid-19: 

  • Now is the time to reevaluate the products or services you’re advertising. Check stock availability and ensure you can deliver the services you’re selling. 
  • Check your ad copy to make sure your message aligns with the current situation.  
  • Add keywords with terms around delivery, roadside pickup, fees waived, etc. as fit for your business. 

Display Advertising

With so much of your audience spending more time online, it’s now easier than ever to find them while they browse the web, scroll their social feeds, and watch videos online. Consider starting off by remarketing to your past customers and website visitors to bring them back to your site and keep your brand in their mind. They’re much more likely to convert on their return visit! 

Display Advertising during Covid-19: 

  • Make the most of remarketing lists and lookalike audience targeting options. 
  • Highlight the positive actions your business is taking to help during this time. For example, waiving platform subscription fees or extending current membership periods. 
  • Brands that maintain a healthy online presence and use tasteful messaging (that doesn’t try to capitalise on Covid-19) will stay top of mind with consumers.  

Social Media Advertising

With 79% of the population on Facebook and Instagram, Social Media advertisers can reach wide, diverse audiences at low costs. Usage is peaking right now as people seek news updates and want to stay connected with loved ones. Facebook offers a range of goal-oriented campaign programs to suit the needs of your business right now, whether that’s brand awareness, website visits or online purchases. 

Social Media Advertising during Covid-19: 

  • Make sure your creatives are relatable to the current situation, for example, feature people working from home rather than office locations. 
  • Use this time as an opportunity to try out new ad formats like video, stories and carousel
  • Broaden your audiences to make sure you’re reaching all potential new customers. 

We’re here to help

Continuing to communicate with audiences with timely messaging will allow your business to stay connected to customers now and well into the future. Search, Display and Social are great channels to do this. ReachLocal’s Digital Marketing Consultants are experts in all these advertising solutions, and will work with you to implement campaigns that achieve your businesses’ specific goals and objectives.

Emma Reid

Emma is a talented Graphic Designer and Marketer who designs all internal and external communications for ReachLocal Australia and New Zealand. She also updates and manages our websites, in addition to assisting with other marketing activities. Emma is a passionate volunteer with Orange Sky Laundry. When she's not pulling her hair out over HTML (just kidding!) she's wearing odd socks, bleeding coffee, playing dodgeball and doodling letters.

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