Find and Engage More Customers with a Social Message Campaign

man converses with a business over Messenger

What are Social Message Campaigns?

Social message campaigns are a great way to remove barriers with potential clients and drive leads to your business! These campaigns have two features – showing ads in Messenger (as a placement) or allowing a potential customer to click on an ad and message a business directly (click-to-message) in either MessengerWhatsApp or Instagram Direct. 

When running click-to-message ads, a “Send Message” CTA is show on ads in-feed, in stories, and across Facebook’s audience network. Running ads in Messenger as a placement will only appear to users who have already connected with your business, not a new audience. It’s recommended to only run this feature if you have special offers for your existing customers, otherwise the ads can come across spammy and may damage your brand.

Why Run a Social Message Campaign?

Running social message campaigns allows a business to get in front of new, relevant audiences, whilst providing an informal way for them to reach out. Message templates with automated replies can be used to answer commonly asked questions, reducing response times and leaving only the more complex queries to be responded to personally. 

Key benefits: 

  • Industries that require a “personal touch” when dealing with clients are able to provide potential customers with a quick way to send a private message. This is beneficial for industries like healthcare, childcare, legal and real estate services, to name a few. 
  • Removes tedious steps to contact the business. Instead of clicking onto a website and finding a form or email address, a quick click of a button provides an avenue to send a message. 
  • Click-to-message ads create a more personalised experience and remove some of the formality that emails and contact forms present.   

Our Top Recommendations for Successful Social Message Campaigns

  • Customise your ad: Make it clear what you offer and what you want your potential customers to do across your ad’s copy, CTA button and image/video. You will see higher engagement and more relevant messages. 
  • Ensure you have the capacity to respond: With less barriers to contact your business, be prepared to expect a high number of messages. Make sure you have a dedicated person available to respond, just like you would with your inbox!  
  • Be communicative: Users can see when you have read their message, so be mindful to reply promptly. If you can’t provide an answer straight away, let them know that you will get back to them ASAP.  
  • Use message templates: These can provide automated answers for frequently asked questions, like queries about opening hours, core services, delivery times and so on. Spend time building these out before you publish your ad to save yourself time in the long run.  

If your business already uses Facebook Ads for lead generation, but you aren’t using the click-to-message CTA yet, you are missing out an amazing opportunity. If you have any questions on how to get started, get in touch — our digital marketing consultants are happy to help! 

Ursula Czubala

Ursula is a Digital Media Product Manager who loves to "tinker" and find creative product solutions to client problems. She manages all Google products and is just about to launch her 3rd solution! Around work, Ursula loves the great outdoors - finishing the El Camino Pimitivo in 2016 (a 270km hike!) - and finding a quiet place to read.

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