Four Ways to Start Your Content Marketing Plan

Four Ways to Start Your Content Marketing Plan

Demand for quality content is on the rise; 78% of marketers say they have achieved success as the result of investing in content marketing, and 68% of those successful marketers believe content marketing has allowed them to build credibility with their potential customers. 

So, what exactly is content marketing? According to the Content Marketing Institute, it is a process that involves creating consistent, valuable, and relevant content, and distributing it to the right audience, through the right channel, at the right time. Content marketing is geared toward lead generation and brand awareness instead of actual conversions. Its main objectives are to educate and inform, as well as establish connections and improve brand reputation by building trust with target audiences.  

What Kind of Content Should You Produce?

Content can vary from blogs, eBooks, infographics, videos, webinars, podcasts, and more. A recent study suggests that 90% of successful B2B marketers prioritise creating content which is informative and educates their audience, over promotional and sales messages. As a result, providing relevant and quality content for your audience is critical for a business to stand out from competitors online.  

Here are a few ways to get started 

1. Write Informative Blogs 

Writing is one of the most common and effective ways to reach a wide audience, especially when your aim is to impart knowledge and educate. It is also a popular way to improve your SEO and establish credibility for your business. 74% of B2B audiences are likely to read and share a blog that resonates with them. So, what can you write about? Try an article with useful tips or ‘how-to’ advice, or showcase your products and services with step-by-step guides on how they work or the benefits they provide. 

2. Create Visually Appealing Infographics

Recent surveys show that 62% of B2B audiences enjoy reading and sharing infographics, and 76% of B2B customers consume infographics at the early stages of the purchase funnel. Besides catching the reader’s attention, a visually appealing infographic also helps readers understand and digest content faster, and more effectively with the use of eye-catching graphics. Infographics are also a great way to visually demonstrate a process, or provide step-by-step instructions relating to your products or services. 

3. Add Videos to The Mix 

As of 2019, 87% of businesses have included video as part of their marketing strategy, and video content has become a crucial tactic for all businesses. The popularity of video content is rising, with 72% of audiences preferring video over text when learning about new products and services. You should consider investing in video content to keep your audience engaged and keep your business top-of-mind. 

4. Stay Active on Social Media 

Creating content is not enough. Delivering the right message through the right channels is crucial in order to increase the visibility of your brand. One of the important channels on which to share your content is social media. 74% of B2B marketers have invested in paid distribution, which includes Social Ads and boosting posts. Social media also stands as the most popular medium to communicate and interact with your audience and potential customers. 

Regardless of the industry you operate in, content creation should be included as part of your marketing strategy. Content marketing provides you with endless creative opportunities, and on top of generating more engagement and leads, it also helps you gain credibility in your industry. Remember, knowing who your target audiences are will help determine the right type of content to create, and the most appropriate channel to distribute it on.

Sherlie Liesthedi

Sherlie is a creative enthusiast with an interest in Social Media and Content Marketing. She currently works as a Marketing and Communication Assistant at ReachLocal Australia and New Zealand. When she is out of the office, her perfect day starts with riding the waves at sunrise, time out at the beach, and followed by quality time with friends and family.

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