Reopen? Drive Customers To Your Business

how to drive customers to your reopen business

No one knows for sure how consumers will react to non-essential businesses being open again. Some may be wary of visiting increasingly crowded public spaces, or of frivolously spending money right now. But there will be others who joyfully rush through shopping centre doors, their money burning a proverbial hole in their pocket.  

Either way, you should consider offering incentives to show customers why they should visit your business first. Think about running limited-time promotions on your services and products. Hosting a reopening event with giveaways, training sessions, or demonstrations is a great way to attract consumers into your store or premises. There are several digital marketing channels and tactics that work perfectly for this type of marketing. Consider these types of campaigns to promote your reopening, and drive customers to your business. 

Find New Local Customers with Geofencing

Connect with customers near your business with targeted geofencing ads! Geofencing is a powerful tactic that can significantly increase the number of smartphone users who see your marketing messages. More importantly, they’ll see your ads while they’re near your location, which increases the chances of them stopping by your store or office. By delivering your reopening message at the right time, you might even grab the attention of a customer who was on the way to a competitor or visiting another business in your area. Geofencing is easy to use and can drive great results for any local business. 

Generate Customer Interest with Social Ads

Social Media Advertising offers detailed targeting options so your ads are shown to nearby customers most likely to be interested in your business. Australia has 16 Million active Facebook users, so it’s critical that you target only those who are potentially interested in what your business has to offer. Interest-based targeting allows you to target people specifically interested in a subject related to your product or services. Adding more than one interest will target people with at least one of them, so you’ll make your reach broader. Advertising your reopening plans or offers to these potential customers is a great way to entice them to your business. 

Be Present with Search Marketing 

Search Marketing is the most effective way to connect with customers who are actively searching for a business like yours. Be there in their moment of need, at the top of the search results on Google and Bing, with a compelling offer they can’t ignore. Optimise your ads for local searchers (and the growing number of consumers who search on mobile devices) with ad extensions. These allow you to show extra business information with your ad, like your address or phone number, or links to specific pages on your website to drive customers directly to your reopened business.  

Reengage Past Customers with Retargeting

Consumers go through anywhere between 20-500 online touch points before making a purchase. People have been spending more time online in isolation, and they may well have shown interest in your services or interacted with your brand online in the past few weeks. Retargeting options in Display, Social Media and Search Marketing let you reconnect with potential customers who’ve visited your website, or researched the products or services that you offer. This gives you the chance to attract them back to your website, or into your store, and turn them into a customer. 

Drive Customers with ReachLocal

If you need advice on developing and implementing a reopening campaign, ReachLocal is here to help! Our team have been working closely with local businesses throughout the pandemic to make sure that they have what they need to get through this difficult time and hit the ground running when they reopen as well. For assistance from our digital marketing experts, contact us now on 1300 655 312 or complete the form below. 

Emma Reid

Emma is a talented Graphic Designer and Marketer who designs all internal and external communications for ReachLocal Australia and New Zealand. She also updates and manages our websites, in addition to assisting with other marketing activities. Emma is a passionate volunteer with Orange Sky Laundry. When she's not pulling her hair out over HTML (just kidding!) she's wearing odd socks, bleeding coffee, playing dodgeball and doodling letters.

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