Tips for Creating Fantastic Facebook Ads for Your Small Business

With 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook isn’t just a place to share family photos and to stay connected with friends – it also provides small businesses with the opportunity to get in front of a huge and captive audience.  

The setup and optimisation of your Facebook ads is extremely important. Once you have your Facebook ad type and objective set up, and your target audience defined, it’s time to move on to the fun part: creating your ad. An effective Facebook ad needs to include attention-grabbing visuals, concise action-oriented ad copy, and a clear call to action. 

Here are three important Facebook advertising tips to consider. 

🎨 Grab Attention with Your Facebook Ad Creative

All Facebook ads include a visual component; either a still image, carousel of images, or a video. The design you use in your Facebook ad creative helps to establish your brand identity with consumers and is an important way to entice consumers to take action from seeing your ad. 

Follow Facebook’s best practices for ad creative, which include: 

  • Keeping text on images minimal. Let the image or video speak for itself. 
  • Using vertical videos. If not vertical, then try a square aspect ratio to accommodate how most users view video ads. 
  • Being creative. Don’t rely on stock images if you don’t have to – look for unique, attention-grabbing visuals that pull users in. 

✒️ Clearly Communicate Through Your Facebook Ad Copy

While your image or video will most likely be what pulls your audience in, your Facebook ad copy is what’s going to entice them to take the next step. 

Here are some tips for creating the best Facebook ad copy

  • Keep it concise. Quickly and clearly let your audience know what you’re advertising and what you want them to do.  
  • Use numbers. People are drawn to numbers and stats so use those if it makes sense. 
  • Don’t be afraid to get emotional. And by that, we mean use words and phrasing meant to evoke an emotional response in your audience – whether that’s excitement or a sense of urgency. 

💯 Close the Deal with a Strong CTA

Your audience is hooked from strong design and copy, but now it’s time to close the deal with a strong call-to-action. 

  • In some cases, your Facebook ad will already include a CTA button depending on your objective, but you can still include a CTA in your ad copy.  
  • For example, if your Facebook ad includes a button to ‘Learn More’, your copy can include something along the lines of “Hit that Learn More button to get our special offer!” 

Facebook ads are a great local advertising tactic for small businesses because they allow you to quickly and easily reach your intended audience on a social site where they’re spending a lot of time. All it takes is the right Facebook advertising plan, creative, and execution. Want some help getting your Facebook advertising off the ground? Reach out today to learn how our Facebook advertising experts can help.  

Sherlie Liesthedi

Sherlie is a creative enthusiast with an interest in Social Media and Content Marketing. She currently works as a Marketing and Communication Assistant at ReachLocal Australia and New Zealand. When she is out of the office, her perfect day starts with riding the waves at sunrise, time out at the beach, and followed by quality time with friends and family.

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