Why is Digital Marketing Important for Your Business?

Why is Digital Marketing Important for your business?

Did you know that as of January this year, 4.39 billion people are now using the internet? This is an increase of 9% as compared to January last year. 

The future is here, and the internet has enabled businesses to interact with targeted audiences in real-time. Forms of digital marketing can vary, from ads on search engines to display advertisements, to posts on social media platforms. 

Due to its nuances, these questions regarding digital advertising remain: Why do you need it? Is it right for your business? Where do you start? How to drive success with it? 

So, we are answering those questions for you today!  

Why do you need digital marketing?

Businesses everywhere are transitioning into the digital space, including your competitors. We are in the era of accessibility and connectivity where everything is available at the click of a button. Businesses and marketers are witnessing a shift in the way we approach our existing and potential customers as the majority of potential audiences are more inclined to access digital media, compared to traditional media. 

Digital marketing has the capability to get in front of high-volume audiences, which makes for a higher engagement rate at a more affordable cost, when compared to traditional marketing mediums. It also provides you with the ability to track and monitor the performance and ROI of your campaigns, with analytics, dashboards and real-time metrics.  

Here are some stats that might help you decide to dip your toe in the water! 

With this, we are not saying you should ditch traditional marketing, but adding digital marketing tactics on top of traditional marketing will expand your customer reach, and effectively get your brand in front of the right audiences and potential customers.  

Is digital marketing right for your business?

The internet creates limitless opportunities for any businesses to expand their reach to the right audiences and customers by establishing a quality online presence. Digital marketing involves creating value-added content that builds upon identifying your audience’s interests and needs. A suitable digital marketing strategy varies, and should be tailored to your budget, objectives and the nature of your business, whether it is B2B or B2C. 

Where do you start?

Venturing into the unknown world of digital marketing can seem overwhelming due to the wide spectrum of solutions and strategies. Doing your due diligence is an important step to get yourself familiar with digital media trends. There are numerous free online resources including webinars, blogs, videos, and podcasts for you to learn about all things digital marketing. Alternatively, you can reach out to digital marketing agencies for a free consultation and more comprehensive information on the right strategies for your businesses. 

How do you drive success with digital marketing?

We often hear “less is more,” but when it comes to digital marketing, having more is betterThe best way to drive success is by making sure that your business can be found or seen in all the right places that your potential customers are looking. It is about getting your business in front of the right people. Combining the right mix of digital marketing solutions that fit your marketing objectives is one of the best ways to ensure you are reaching prospective customers no matter where they’re searching online. This approach will allow you to get your brand in front of the right customers and drive growth. 

If you are looking for more insight, reach out to our digital marketing experts to discuss the right digital marketing solutions and strategies for your business.

Sherlie Liesthedi

Sherlie is a creative enthusiast with an interest in Social Media and Content Marketing. She currently works as a Marketing and Communication Assistant at ReachLocal Australia and New Zealand. When she is out of the office, her perfect day starts with riding the waves at sunrise, time out at the beach, and followed by quality time with friends and family.

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